The Dyatlov Pass is a treacherous mountain climbing experience where 2 players attempt to ascend the Ural Mountains through luck, wise decision-making, and betrayal

It is February 1st, 1959, and a group of soviet hikers decides to be the first to summit the Ural Mountains. On the surface, they were a group bounded by teamwork and trust determined on accomplishing a feat no man has done before. In reality, these devious hikers all have one singular goal, to be the only person left.


1) Players proceed up and down the mountain by snaking up the board. Arrive at the flag square and then proceed down the mountain bringing the flag back to the “start” or be the last player standing to win.

2) If the same number rolls on both dice ,players move forward or backward by the value of both dice added together.

3) Otherwise, the players must choose 1 die to move forward with and the other to move backward with, choose one direction to move in first (apply all movement modifiers), then move in the opposite direction (apply all movement modifiers).

4) Each player has 3 lives.

5) Players can "injure" other players by landing on the same spot as the other player. If this happens, the other player loses a life and gets sent back to the start. Losing all 3 lives eliminates you entirely from the game!

6) Players can also steal the flag by "injuring" the other player.

7) Players are invincible on the “start” square.


1) Landing on a Supply Stop  makes you move forward :

                  - The red supply drop moves the player forward 2 spaces.

Red supply drop

                  - The yellow supply drop moves the player forward 3 spaces.

                  - The blue supply drop moves the player forward 5 spaces.

2) Landing in a Snowstorm moves the player backwards :

                  - The white snowflake moves the player backwards by 2 spaces.

                  - The dark blue snowflake moves the player backwards by 3 spaces. 

                  - The yellow snowflake moves the player backwards by 5 spaces. 


1) Supply crate sprite

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